The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul. ~ Carl Jung
Our dreams provide us with images, symbols and messages from our unconscious selves. Unfolding the meaning of a dream into conscious understanding provides a rich source of inner guidance, self-understanding and healing.
For anyone interested in gaining a deeper connection to themselves, this small closed group will provide an opportunity to open your ‘little hidden doors’ through the exploration of some of the images and stories that arise within your dreaming. Our goal is simple: to bring our dreams, to share them, and to reacquaint ourselves with their intriguing and poetic language. In the safe container of a small group, we will explore the gifts of the unconscious through reading, discussion, and the creative process. Participants will be asked to keep a dream journal.
This is not a therapy group. Examining dreams may raise challenges or issues which may be better processed in a therapy relationship than in a workshop.
Facilitated by Cheryl Fuller, Ph.D.
Sessions will be meet via Zoom on Saturdays at 11 am Eastern for 90 minutes, over 10 consecutive weeks. An alternative time is Mondays at 1 pm Eastern.
Minimum Number of Participants: 6 Maximum Number of Participants: 8
Location: Online in private Zoom room
Beginning: May 17, May 21 or as soon as either or both times has at least 6 members, we will begin.
The fee for the workshop is $350.00.
For more information and to register, please use the contact form on the Home page.