Two Chairs

 I entered private practice in the early 80s after my children were born. At first, I did a lot of school consultation and consultation to day care centers and to Head Start. But after my own children came along, I decided I no longer wanted to work with young children. 

In my mid-30’s I started to wonder what I really wanted to do when I grew up. I considered going to law school. Or becoming a nurse and then a nurse midwife. Or going to medical school. Or getting a degree in public policy. In the end I came back to my beginning — I knew I wanted to do psychotherapy with adults.

Graduate school and my first job had given me the bare minimum training to be able to sit in a room across from another person and listen. Which I started doing. And I began to read again about therapy. I would find a book that spoke to me and when I finished it, I would look at the bibliography and start reading those books. I read Freud and Jung and neo-Freudians and post-Jungians. My father had always told me I could learn anything I needed to know from books, and though he wasn’t right, that notion stood me in good stead as I read and read and read. I came to the material without prejudices so I read widely — everything from ego psychology to archetypal psychology. It was all fascinating to me. Of course some of what I read resonated more than others and I found myself drawn particularly to two areas — object relations and that branch of post-Jungian psychology that developed in England and influenced by object relations. I fell in love with Winnicott, Guntrip,  Balint and Samuels, Redfearn, Stevens Sullivan. I plowed my way through several volumes of Langs’ seminars.

Reading is fine and important. But no amount of reading can make anyone a better therapist. So I also sought both clinical supervision and personal analysis. I wanted supervision from therapists I knew to be better than me, more skilled, better trained, more experienced. And as Jungian analysts began to settle in Maine in the 80’s, I was able to find them. Between 1985 and 1998 I worked with three different Jungian analysts in supervision — one was quite classical, another embraced Langs’ therapeutic frame, and the third gave me the blend of psychoanalytic approaches and Jung that appealed to me.

Supervision is an important part of becoming a therapist. But personal therapy is even more important in my view. I had been in therapy in college and again in my mid-thirties. But what I wanted now was Jungian analysis. In 1986, a week before I turned 40, I started analysis with one of the first analysts to move to Maine, I worked with her for 3 years. I then started seeing another analyst, a man I ended up working with for 24 years. 

But why Jung, you ask? It is the focus on meaning that really works for me with Jung. Symptoms have meaning which for me is a liberating way to understand life and behavior. Far more useful for me than something rooted in pathology and a notion of illness.

Jungians frustrate me sometimes. Sometimes it becomes too airy and I used to get annoyed at how little in the Jungian literature there was on technique.  But the other side frustrates me too — with too much on technique and rules. Finding my own balance point in between has been a big part of my growth and development as a therapist.

I long ago lost count of how many books I have read on analysis and depth psychology in the last 40 years. And I continue to read, recently Barbara Stevens Sullivan’s The Mystery of Analytical Work: Weavings from Jung and Bion,  not an easy read but well worth the effort.

One of my supervisors told me we practice what we believe. So I came to be a developmental Jungian (that’s what Andrew Samuels calls that branch of post-Jungian practice that combines Jung and object relations) because it is what I believe, because it makes sense to me in some deep and fundamental way. If you could see me work, you would not likely see much difference between how I am in session with a patient and how Paul Weston of In Treatment  is or how most modern psychodynamically oriented therapists are. The difference lies more in how we view what we see, a difference not as great as some think, than it is in what we do. So, I practice what I believe.

Here are a few of the books that I read along the way that I have returned to more than once:

Barbara Stevens Sullivan: Psychotherapy Grounded in the Feminine Principle

Aldo Carotenuto: The Difficult Art

Andrew Samuels: Jung and the Post Jungians

Michael Balint: The Basic Fault

Harry Guntrip: Schizoid Phenomena, Object Relations and the Self


Now to what any of this means to you. If you decide to work with me, it helps for you to know that I am not an overnight sensation, that I have spent many years learning about and reflecting on what I do as a therapist and that I have also done my  own work in my personal therapy. The specifics of my theoretical orientation may be of interest to you but as we  sit with one another, they are not really important for you  all.

Knowing that I come from a depth orientation matters because we will not be focused so much on solutions but rather on meaning– what does it mean in the context of your life that this issue persists for you? or what is this dream trying to tell you about yourself and your life. 

As Sheldon Kopp put it, “The continuing struggle [in psychotherapy] was once described in the following metaphor by a patient who had successfully completed a long course of psychotherapy: ‘I came to therapy hoping to receive butter for the bread of life. Instead, at the end, I emerged with a pail of sour milk, a churn, and instructions on how to use them.’ “


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1 Comment

  1. Hello!
    I came across this page while looking for information on how to be a Jungian analyst, especially coming from the nursing field.

    I currently have an ADN degree and have been in practice as a nurse for about 12 years now. I recently came to what I could only describe as individuation after having read Jung’s Sermons to the Dead and some parts of Aion, while also self studying history and philosophy and any other sorts of topic my mind had questions on. I seem to have gained a new perspective; a new lens to view and understand the world with. With this perspective came the drive to want to help people find themselves.

    For the time being, I am somewhat satisfied with where I am at with life as far as my career goes, because nursing is an altruistic field and I’m able to fulfill my purpose in that aspect. However, every now and then I have a sense of wanting more; as much as I love and enjoy my place of work, I can’t help but wish that I worked for myself, although I am not sure what my retirement/insurance situation would look like if I left the company I work for. And so I am seemingly stuck in my current situation, because the unknown factors for my future is causing me to pump the brakes.

    I guess what I intend to ask, should you even read this comment from an old blog post of yours, is for your analysis of my situation and perhaps you may know what direction to point me towards. I have a desire to help people understand themselves and the world better, by way of Jung. Perhaps because it was Jung’s way that helped me get out of Plato’s cave, combined with my studies of Jesus. I also have this desire for wisdom and knowledge in order to help my immediate surrounding and also my loved ones, because as I am now, I do not have the formal education and tools to be of service. At this time, I’m not sure if it is my ego or my Self that has this desire. I actually have a hard time discerning between the two these days, and I’m hoping it’s a sign of integration and that I’m not deluding myself. But I guess my true desire is to know if I am already where I need to be, or if I ought to be somewhere else, perhaps a better place from where I am currently at? I know this isn’t something anyone else can make a decision on other than I. But I require a certain grasp of understanding before I could make such decisions. Because once I jump into something, I have to put my all into it, for it will require all of it for me to get what I need from it. Because it would require me to get a degree separate from what I’ve already fought so hard for in my youth. But reading your journey, is so inspirational to me. I cannot help but project feelings of excitement and being energized when I imagine that my work would involve studying Jung, whom I admire so much, and could only hope I could tap in to his works on a professional and occupational level.. AND helping people in this way; it would not feel like work to me at all… at least that is what I’d imagine it to be like, because I don’t truly know what it would be like.

    I love where I’m at in nursing, but the structure of it, and the logistics that go behind it, is still draining me. Although I am able to replenish myself with my love for myself after each shift. I still feel the drain and I feel terrible that most of what I could do in between shifts on my days off is to recover whatever energy I spent by relaxing and then mentally preparing myself for the next shift. And then having to foresee having to do that well into my retirement.. it causes me to grieve life, and the world, and the reality we live in. For much is wasted day by day in the mundanity of this modern world.

    I don’t know if my dream of being a true student of Jung and implementing his wisdom in the real world would mitigate my grievances. I know much of how I feel and desire have everything to do with me and nothing with the world. If I can’t even know what to do with this, how could I be apt for psychotherapy. But at the same time, this is why I want to learn.

    I can be content with reading all of Jung’s works in my down time while in between my nursing shifts. In fact, that is what I do. Perhaps this is why my mind is telling me about other options; since I’m pouring in time and attention to something that doesn’t even seem to benefit me financially. In the meantime, I try to apply what I learned in my own life, and I try my best to make the best choices that I can in real time.

    I seem to be at the point where reading isn’t enough though! And also trying to determine if my ego is just being greedy and wanting more! I will continue to do my best at life regardless! And I thank you for your time if you read this, and should you take the time to respond.

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